Thursday, 27 October 2011

Storyboard Developments - computer technoloogy

For the first slide of the presentation, i believe it would be best to show the progression from the earliest inventions of communication before and after the conflict of world war 2. showing how everything has changed due to the fact of the world being seperated for such a long time. to do this i will incorporate all my notes, pictures and research from the previous session. with all these sources i will try to construct a miniture timeline of pivotal points. understanding the principles first before or if i decide to change them.

Slide 2 can commence with a clear graph showing the progression of computers in much more detail. the graph will begin from the early 70s because that is when the world began to get much more technical and dynamic. i will use this slide to communicate with the target audience, which will be ranging from college to university students who are intrested in beginning a I.T course. i plan to use the first two slide's to commemorate the who, what, why and when. whereas the third and forth will be focused solely on refrencing and conclusion, by using a typical bibliography.  

Slide 3 will contain where the development today, portraying the advances in 3D technology. The bibliography should just be a list of websites & books maybe using certain screenshots from the main websites where i gathered my information from, and images of the books author or cover.

The images used in all slides should clearly state the point i am trying to get across. It would be a bonus if the images could colour co - ordinate with the powerpoint design. This could possibly be computer generated aswell. with the use of powerpoint, i could use animations to highlight titles and particular images throughout the computer development industry e.g 1752 Franklin invents electricity  or 1969 the goverment developing the Arpanet. i could maybe include my other idea, which was the development of the mobile phone.

Prior to starting this powerpoint presentation i had a rough idea of what i wanted to portray and developments i wanted to focus on. i first though about highlighting the main moments in the mobile phone development industry, but i thought the mobile phone has gone as far as it could. theres only a little bit more room for development, whereas the home pc has changed drastically since the 1970s. The reason i chose this subject is because computers have come a very long way from the conflict of world war II to the new millenium. i was pleased because the first slide followed the storyboarding very well, i did not want to crowd the slide to much with images. So instead i bullet pointed the pivotal moments in the computers history. The colour and design i chose really highlighted the image and words including the title, which would give the audience a comfortable view.

When i came to producing the second slide i strayed away from the storyboarding a little, which was a little mistake. because not only does this slide have to much type on it, the slide has to rely on the images to make it work, and i placed the title wrong. What i should have done is maybe reference to the movie disclosure to give the presentation a outlook into how computer companies were, and what could happen in tense situations, when someone is fired from long term etc. Michael Douglas plays Tom Sanders, an executive at DigiCom, a leading computer software firm. DigiCom is about to launch a new virtual reality-based data storage system that is expected to revolutionize the industry, and Bob Garvin (Donald Sutherland), the owner of the company, is in the midst of negotiating a merger that could bring $100 million into the firm.

This would then lead onto the 3rd slide and a overview of the biggest companies producing computers, as in disclosure IBM is metioned as the biggest but this slide indicates since steve jobs created apple, the company has been on the up and up developing and updating their software every year. Closely behind them are Dell who manufacture personalised Pc's and laptops. HP on the other hand doesnt just produce computers, they do phones, printers and scanners but at a much less standard as apple computers. This slide followed the planning process quite well but it looks quite incomplete, there should be more images showing WHY apple has been ontop of the market, and the direction its going in.

The final slide which had the Bibliography was indeed simple to do. i chose these particualr websites and books because they were very insiteful, i used my comm digital skills to my advantage and stayed away from wikipedia. The books gave me the opportunity to look at other directions i could have possibly taken. overall i am pleased in the way this presentation turned out. I think i can improve on researching alot better and thinking more about the layout of my phrase's and images. if i do this it would make the audience more interactive in the subject i chose.

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